
Three Heart Co., Ltd.




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About SUISO4000

SUISO4000 is the only bottle in the world that is officially certified by International Hydrogen Standards Association (IHSA)

IHSA is founded by Dr. Ohta and fellow doctors who are the world’s foremost researchers who researched and published on the benefits of hydrogen.

According to IHSA, the hydrogen water generating bottles that exist in the market today do not meet their standard except for SUISO4000. So many of the competitors applied to receive their certification from IHSA, but no one has passed the test besides ours.

SUISO4000 pulls off the concentration of 3200ppb to 4300ppb of hydrogen in the water while others only can up to 300 ppb to 1000ppb.

Because of the only one technology (Japanese technology) hydrogen does not escape from the bottle for as long as 12 hours.

With our kit, you can drink the best hydrogen water in the world for cheaper than a cup of Starbucks coffee every day

About Hydrogen

IHSA Website https://www.intlhsa.org/

Athletes who take hydrogen in

Some popular athletes take hydrogen on a daily basis. Probably the most popular one is Ichiro Suzuki, who used to play for the Seattle Mariners. He said in one of the interviews that he drinks hydrogen water after working out because he can tell that the difference is dramatic. His body quickly recovers when he drinks hydrogen water.
Ryo Ishikawa, a professional golf player also drinks hydrogen water too.
A professional kickboxer Tenshin Nasukawa uploaded a video of himself inhaling hydrogen gas after training on his Instagram account.

In one study, 20 patients who were at risk for metabolic syndrome consumed hydrogen-rich water for 10 weeks and saw a decreased total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels and significantly improved HDL cholesterol.

The body of science regarding the health benefits of H2 has advanced rapidly in recent years thanks to the studies done by research scientists around the globe. Over 1,000 peer-reviewed articles have been published on the impact of H2 on humans, animals, and individual cells. It shows that H2 regulates over 200 biomolecules and appears to provide benefit in 170+ health conditions and disease models, affecting virtually every organ in the human body. H2 operates on human metabolism in three primary areas:

H2 rapidly and easily converts toxic free (hydroxyl OH-) radicals to water (H2 + 2 OH – > 2 H2O); H2 maintains antioxidant homeostasis. In other words, the body’s own antioxidants are leveraged and maintained; and H2 supports cell signaling, cell metabolism, and gene expression. This impacts inflammation, obesity, and aging mechanisms.

Why H2 is a Superlative Antioxidant.

Chronic oxidative stress has been identified as one of the major causes of aging and modern chronic diseases. Everyone knows that there are many antioxidants available. However, they have shown only limited success in therapeutic trials. H2 has some distinct advantages, causing researchers to propose it as a NOVEL antioxidant with superior therapeutic and preventive applications.

H2is the smallest molecule. Other antioxidants such as Vitamin C or Vitamin E are very large by comparison. They must also be digested, absorbed, transported and finally taken up by the cells. H2 penetrates the stomach lining quickly and acts inside the cells immediately. It’s able to get into every part of the cell more quickly protecting DNA, RNA, and proteins against damaging oxidative stress.
Each molecule of H2neutralizes two free radicals. It easily separates into two slightly charged atoms that neutralize the free radicals created by daily oxidative stress. In the process, it creates water thus hydrating the cells.
H2is selective and targets only “bad” free radicals. Oxygen radicals are extremely damaging. However, your body also produces “good” free radicals, which serve useful purposes. Other antioxidants only partially neutralize radicals, both the good and bad ones. Worse, these antioxidants can then become free radicals themselves once they’ve done their job. H2 selectively goes after only the bad radicals and unlike other antioxidants, neutralizes them completely.

H2 reduces inflammation and pain. As we age, we ache more. For inflammation, H2 has been shown to be a powerful anti-inflammatory. It is also can potentially modify the switched on genes that create a constant state inflammation.

H2 supports optimal cognitive function. The brain is 2-4% of your body’s weight but consumes 20-40% of the oxygen you breathe. Since 2-5% of the oxygen you breathe turns into free radicals, your brain is highly susceptible to oxidative stress damage. H2 neutralizes excess free radicals that occur in the brain.

H2 promotes cellular health. Research shows H2 alters cell signaling, cell metabolism, and gene expression. This may explain its anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and anti-apoptotic (or anti-cell death) effects.

H2 activates the production of your own antioxidant levels. H2 triggers activation of antioxidant enzymes in the body (e.g., glutathione peroxidase, super-oxide dismutase, catalase, etc.) and/or proteins that protect the cell. Each one of these enzymes takes care of different kinds of free radicals, and they work together to keep the cells healthy.

*Tax included.

*Limit of 10 per order.

*Shipping fee is not included.More information

Shipping method / fee

The shipping fees and delivery method/s for this product are as follows.

  • EMS

    This shipping supports package tracking and compensation for damages.

    Shipping Fees are the same in all countries outside Japan ¥10,000

*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.

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